
ascendancy [ə'sendənsɪ]  [əˈsɛndənsi] 

ascendancy 基本解释

名词优势,支配地位; 支配倾向

ascendancy 网络解释


1. 统治权:中国队再一次毫无悬念的包揽了四项冠军,赛后国际乒联对各个单项进行了评述. 女单关键词:统治权(Ascendancy) 郭跃在1-3落后的情况下逆转取胜郭焱,在郭焱的16次巡回赛决赛中她输掉了13次,距离上一次她赢得冠军已经过去了...

2. 支配地位:ascendance 支配性 | ascendancy 支配地位 | ascendant 上升的

3. 优势:ascendance 优越 | ascendancy 优势 | ascendant 优势

4. 优势, 支配(或统治)地位:ascendance || 优越, 权势 | ascendancy || 优势, 支配(或统治)地位 | ascendant || 优势, 运星, 运道, 支配力 上升的, 优越的

ascendancy 词典解释

1. ascendancy什么意思

1. 优势;权势;支配地位
    If one group has ascendancy over another group, it has more power or influence than the other group.

    e.g. Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy...
    e.g. The extremists are gaining ascendancy.

ascendancy 单语例句

1. The far right is on the ascendancy in many parts of Europe.

2. ascendancy什么意思

2. He declares the inevitability of China's ascendancy and the West's simultaneous decline, thus announcing a nascent superpower in the making.

3. Even today an educated male finds it hard to accept his partner's ascendancy in the professional field and in social status.

4. ascendancy是什么意思

4. The fact is trade has taken ascendancy over politics in an interdependent and integrated world economy.

5. ascendancy

5. Looking behind all these cunning moves is the hope that Japan's ultranationalist force can be on the ascendancy.

6. Sunnis traditionally have enjoyed significant privilege in Iraq, but have lost their political ascendancy since Saddam's fall.

7. Education has been a ladder of social ascendancy in China since ancient times and that is still the case today.

8. Camoranesi had another couple of half chances as Italy took the ascendancy, but the Spanish back line held firm.

9. ascendancy的意思

9. A big bow for " Man " would be well timed for its stars, whose career trajectories are in ascendancy.

10. Porto has been in the ascendancy in recent years but the game is still eagerly anticipated.

ascendancy 英英释义



1. ascendancy的翻译

1. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another

    e.g. her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her

    Synonym: dominance ascendance ascendence ascendency control
