
arrow [ˈærəʊ]  [ˈæroʊ] 


arrow 基本解释

名词矢,箭; 箭状物; 箭头记号; [天]天箭座

arrow 网络解释

1. 箭头:在画图模式中,样式包括多项的组合: 铅笔(pen), 箭头(arrow), 字体(font) 和段落(paragraph).您可以设置不同的文字样式,物体样式,箭头样式和线样式. 注意: 从普通设置( Common )改变的设置适用于所有的物体. 例如,

2. 神箭:推开左下方的尸体(Corpse),可以打到神箭(Arrow)和草菇(Ledge). 用半把箭刀弄开蚕丝(Pod),可拿到被包在其中的金奴杖(Gold Shaft). 然后对黑碟施传送术离开山谷,把蓝花、诗集、金权杖交给精灵王子,他就会加入. 再和公主交谈,

3. 射:范畴由对象(object)及射(arrow)组成. 一个明显的例子是群范畴,其中对象是群,射f:G1→G2是从G1 到G2 的群同态. 在任何拓扑斯理论中,存在着一个推广的子集簇概念,即给定对象的子对象簇概念,子对象簇是一个场所.

4. arrow:anti resonant reflecting optical waveguide; 反共振反射光波导

arrow 词典解释

1. 箭;矢
    An arrow is a long thin weapon which is sharp and pointed at one end and which often has feathers at the other end. An arrow is shot from a bow.

    e.g. Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages.

2. 箭头(用来指示方向,符号为→)
    An arrow is a written or printed sign that consists of a straight line with another line bent at a sharp angle at one end. This is a printed arrow: →. The arrow points in a particular direction to indicate where something is.

    e.g. A series of arrows points the way to the modest grave of Andrei Sakharov.

3. slings and arrows -> see sling

arrow 单语例句

1. arrow的近义词

1. He later told me that he too was looking for a breakthrough in his search for Cupid's arrow.

2. Each couple must hold the arrow of Cupid together and finish the labyrinth.

3. Encouraged by his friends, he went to a matchmaking firm to seek Cupid's arrow.

4. Encouraged by his friends, he went to a matchmaking agency to seek Cupid's arrow.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Arrow's closing price today gives Dart an implied value of 58 Australian cents a share.

6. He points his fingers and cocks his arm as if he's shooting an arrow, like the Greek god Apollo.

7. Arrow claims to have the largest reserves of natural gas in Australia's northeastern state of Queensland.

8. The offer to acquire Arrow Energy is the latest step by PetroChina in its overseas expansion plans.

9. arrow是什么意思

9. If the arrow could penetrate through the wall, it had to be rebuilt.

10. arrow的翻译

10. Arrow now ranks as the leading electronic component distributor in the world.

arrow 英英释义



1. arrow什么意思

1. a projectile with a straight thin shaft and an arrowhead on one end and stabilizing vanes on the other
    intended to be shot from a bow

2. arrow的意思

2. a mark to indicate a direction or relation

    Synonym: pointer
