arrival time

arrival time [əˈraivəl taim]  [əˈraɪvəl taɪm] 

arrival time 基本解释
arrival time 网络解释

1. 到达时间:不要涂指甲油(don't polish your fingers and toes),如果来不了,要打电话告知.你当天早上7点钟要到医院X楼X层X号房间.不不不.我告诉你的到达时间(arrival time).不是手术时间.我没有手术时间.他们会告诉你.手术前,

2. 飞抵时间:departure time 起飞时间 | arrival time飞抵时间 | confirm the flight 确认航班

3. 到達歷時(物探):artesian aquifer 受壓水層 | arrival time 到達歷時(物探) | arrangement of plies 樁的佈置

4. 抵达时间:出发时间 Departure Time | 抵达时间 Arrival Time | 延误后行程 Delayed Schedule

arrival time 单语例句

1. No serious jam was seen at the security check points as some travel agencies temporarily adjusted their customers'arrival time at the park.

2. She said the contest helped her kill time before the arrival of the advice note.

3. arrival time什么意思

3. For security reasons, they said they could not disclose Rice's arrival date ahead of time.

4. arrival time在线翻译

4. In a record time of just 52 hours after arrival, the hospital was erected and was fully functional by May 26.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. This marks the first time that Iran has implemented a policy of visa on arrival to foreign visitors.

6. You'll be drawn into the guestroom by an aroma mixing the fragrance of different flowers, an arrival experience that took the hotel quite some time to contemplate.

7. arrival time

7. ElBaradei told reporters after arrival at Teheran airport that he believed the time was " ripe " for a political solution.

8. arrival time什么意思

8. With the arrival of the Internet, computers eat more and more of our private time.

9. At a minimum, the lag time between today and the arrival of the optimal structure could be shortened.

10. arrival time在线翻译

10. Her flight's time and place of arrival were kept completely secret until the last minute.

arrival time 英英释义



1. the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to arrive at a given destination

    Synonym: time of arrival
