arrest warrant

arrest warrant [əˈrest ˈwɔrənt]  [əˈrɛst ˈwɔrənt] 

arrest warrant 基本解释

arrest warrant

逮捕令; 拘票; 拘留状

arrest warrant 网络解释

1. 逮捕证:触犯法律的未成年人不再被称为罪犯(CRIMINAL),而被称为过失者(DELINQUENT对未成年人触犯法律不被称为犯罪(CRIME),而是过失(DELINQUENCY要求审理未成年人的法律文件不是投诉(COMPLAINT)或逮捕证(ARREST WARRANT),而是请求书(PETITION

2. 逮捕狀:假设有个与先生分居的太太从先生的手提包中发现,先生拍摄他未成年女儿的春宫照录像带,太太将此录像带拿给她的警察朋友,警察以此录像带去法院申请逮捕状(arrest warrant此处警察未违反第四修正案,因为此案中并没有政府行为(state action)介入.

3. 逮捕令(证):arrest 逮捕 | arrest warrant 逮捕令(证) | arrestee 被捕人

arrest warrant 单语例句

1. A warrant had been issued for the arrest of Wong after he failed to turn up in the court on Tuesday.

2. arrest warrant

2. The Boulder arrest warrant and supporting affidavit remain sealed and the district attorney is fighting media requests to open them.


3. After 30 days of being Awol a serviceman is considered a deserter, and a warrant is issued for his arrest.

4. Legal pressure increased on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange after Swedish authorities revised a warrant for his arrest in response to procedural questions from British officials.

5. Japanese police have obtained a warrant to arrest the Chinese man on the suspicion that he has violated passport laws.

6. arrest warrant的近义词

6. He was the subject of an international arrest warrant and is expected to be extradited, the police said.

7. arrest warrant是什么意思

7. A warrant for Xue's arrest on murder and kidnap charges was sent last week by New Zealand police through Interpol to the US.

8. arrest warrant

8. The ANF said it had arrest warrant for Ali Musa Gilani and he was arrested on the basis of the warrant.

9. He has been living openly there since May, when he fled Macedonia after Macedonian authorities issued a warrant for his arrest.

10. If he does not appear for his arraignment a judge is allowed to issue a bench warrant for his arrest.

arrest warrant 英英释义

arrest warrant的翻译


1. arrest warrant是什么意思

1. a warrant authorizing law enforcement officials to apprehend an offender and bring that person to court

    Synonym: bench warrant
