
arras ['ærəs]  ['ærəs] 

arras 基本解释


名词阿拉斯; 挂毯; 饰墙花毡; 花帷

arras 网络解释

1. 阿拉斯:到了第二次世界大战,阿拉斯(Arras)又一次成为战场. 1940年5月英法联军在阿拉斯(Arras)外围向隆美尔指挥的第七装甲师发动反攻,这场战役是由名将伏里堡指挥的,这是个非常有趣的家伙,纽西兰师师长,对于隆美尔比较熟的人一定知道他,

2. 挂毯:却被Hamlet误认为躲在挂毯(arras)后的是叔父Claudius,於是一剑刺去,挂毯掀开,才发现被刺死的是Polonius. 注意:在这里,舞台上真正发生的,也是观众实际看见的,是Hamlet一剑刺向了挂毯,而不是Polonius的身体,还有听见Polonius在挂毯后的惊呼:「喔!

3. 阿腊斯:与此同时,戈特虽然争辩说内阁的指示不切实际,但还是在手下十三个师中派出两个师,连同已经派往法国的唯一坦克旅,从阿腊斯(Arras)向南发动进攻. 这次反击在21日发动后,进攻的兵力就压缩成两个力量薄弱的坦克营,随之以两个步兵营.

4. 花毯:arrantly 声名狼籍地 | arras 花毯 | arrastra 碎金研磨机

arras 双语例句

1. It is just to add that the details of what had taken place at Arras were not yet known.

2. His hair, which had still been gray on his arrival in arras, was now entirely white

3. He was not acquainted with arras, the streets were dark, and he walked on at random


4. He is going to Arras.


5. To Arras, no doubt, but he might have been going elsewhere as well.


6. Vimy Ridge was one of the most important geographic features on the entire Western Front in World War I. In early 1917 it was considered practically impregnable, but on 9 April the Canadian Army Corps, under the command of the British Lieutenant General Sir Julian Byng, assaulted it as part of the Arras offensive.
    维米岭是一个最重要的地理特征对整个西方阵线在第一次世界大战在1917年年初有人认为几乎坚不可摧,但在4月9日加拿大军团的指挥下,英国陆军中将先生朱利安Byng ,攻击它的一部分,阿拉斯进攻。

7. The jail being in a bad condition, the examining magistrate finds it convenient to transfer Champmathieu to Arras, where the departmental prison is situated.

8. It was well said by Themistocles, to the king of Persia, That speech was like cloth of Arras, opened and putabroad; whereby the imagery doth appear infigure; whereas in thoughts they lie but as in packs.

9. We drove, unimpeded by anyone, to Arras

10. His hair, which had still been gray on his arrival in Arras, was now entirely white.

11. Arras and Douai envied the happy little town of M. sur M. its mayor.

12. He walked towards her hut with the baby in his arras.

13. He was not acquainted with arras, the streets were dark, and he walked on at random;


14. Why was he going to Arras?


15. 'What have I done? 'he demanded rhetorically, throwing his Arras about.

16. We shall reach Arras at eight;


17. A tempest, more furious than the one which had formerly driven him to Arras, broke loose within him.

18. She watched the muscles of his Arras hardening and relaxing.

19. He was not acquainted with Arras; the streets were dark, and he walked on at random; but he seemed bent upon not asking the way of the passers-by.


20. A village of northern France west-northwest of Arras.

arras 英英释义


1. a wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs

    Synonym: tapestry
