
armament [ˈɑ:məmənt]  [ˈɑ:rməmənt] 


armament 基本解释

名词军备; 武器装备; [复]军事力量; 军队

armament 相关例句


1. The armament of any of the great powers could destroy civilization.

armament 网络解释

1. 武装:八月十二日 生日花:苦苣(Marsh Sow Thistle) 花 语:武装(Armament) 古时候的植物学家认为,这种植物受到罗马军神马尔斯的控制,才会长出浑身的刺,看起来好像武装的士兵.

2. 军备:Armageddon 哈米吉多顿 | armament 军备 | armamentarium 全部设备

3. 军队:armalead 在测深锤底涂上油脂 | armament 军队 | armament 组合件

armament 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. (飞机或军用车辆配备的)武器,军械,火力装备
    Armament is used to refer to weapons and bombs carried by an aircraft or other military vehicle.

    e.g. ...a bomber with twin engines and heavy defensive armament.

2. 武装;战备
    A country's increase in the number and effectiveness of its weapons is its armament .

    e.g. ...the pursuit of national security through national armament...
    e.g. The fears have prompted several countries to embark on massive armament plans.

armament 单语例句

1. armament是什么意思

1. The book was written and compiled by the General Armament Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

2. armament是什么意思

2. Cai said the budget increases also finance updating armament and equipment that lagged far behind those in developed economies.

3. The end of the Cold War failed to reverse the world's nuclear armament process, although enormous changes have occurred since then on the global nuclear landscape.

4. armament是什么意思

4. " They have all displayed excellent mastery of flight skills and boast great psychological qualities, " an officer with the General Armament Department said.

5. That was a scene of a comprehensive maneuver for armament support carried out by a group army of the Beijing Military Area Command.

6. It also offered Taiwan relevant military exercise software and logistics armament parameters used by the US Pacific Fleet.

7. armament的翻译

7. The eldest is 35 and youngest 30, according to a meeting of the General Armament Department at Beijing Aerospace City.

8. They also want Warsaw to throw more support behind the ailing shipbuilding, armament and railway industries.

9. armament在线翻译

9. BEIJING - Chinese President Hu Jintao Tuesday met with military representatives and praised their work in armament building.

10. BEIJING - China has recently recruited five male and two female astronauts, according to the General Armament Department of Chinese People's Liberation Army on Friday.

armament 英英释义


1. the act of equiping with weapons in preparation for war

    Synonym: arming equipping

2. weaponry used by military or naval force
