1. 北极狐:只能靠冻土带释放在夏天阳光充足时所吸收的太阳热量来避免进一步的降温, 所以这里的冬天异常寒冷.在这样严酷的季节, 我仍然在营地旁看到了一只白色的北极狐(ARCTIC FOX)在四处觅食, 据说它们喜欢在油田附近活动,
1. A Wuhan man who purchased what he thought was an expensive dog was shocked to learn recently that his pet is actually an arctic fox.
2. A precious arctic fox lost in Shanghai has been placed under the temporary care of the Shanghai Zoo.
1. thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions
brownish in summer and white in winter
Synonym: white fox Alopex lagopus