
arch [ɑ:tʃ]  [ɑ:rtʃ] 








arch 基本解释


名词拱门; 弓形; 拱形物; 足弓,齿弓

及物动词(使)弯成拱形; 用拱连接; 向后弯

不及物动词拱起; 成为弓形

形容词主要的; 首要的; 调皮的; 淘气的

arch 相关例句


1. They considered him their arch opponent.


1. A bridge arches a river.

2. The cat arches its back when it sees the dog.

3. The wind arched the trees over the path.


1. That is an triumphal arch.

arch 网络解释


1. 弓形:传统的分类算法沿用指纹学上的分类法,把指纹分为五类:弓形(Arch)、帐弓形(TentArch)、左箕形(Leftloop)、右箕形(Rightloop)和斗形(Whorl). 根据公安部的统计,中国人指纹类型的分布,弓形和帐弓形分别为1.1%、1.4%. 对于实际系统,

2. arch:autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity; 自回归条件异方差

3. arch:archiver; 记录备份行程

4. arch:archivesandrecordsretirementunit; 档案和记录处理股

5. arch:auto regressive conditional heteroscedasticity; arch模型

arch 词典解释

1. 拱;拱门;拱形结构
    An arch is a structure that is curved at the top and is supported on either side by a pillar, post, or wall.

2. 弧形;弧形运动
    An arch is a curved line or movement.

3. 足弓;足背
    The arch of your foot is the curved section at the bottom in the middle.

4. 弓着,佝着(背)等
    If you arch a part of your body such as your back or if it arches, you bend it so that it forms a curve.

    e.g. Don't arch your back, keep your spine straight.


5. (表示惊奇或不赞同)扬起(眉毛)
    If you arch your eyebrows or if they arch, you move them upwards as a way of showing surprise or disapproval.

    e.g. 'Oh really?' he said, arching an eyebrow.

6. 拱起;成弓形;呈弧形运动
    If something arches in a particular direction, it makes a curved line or movement.

    e.g. I gazed up at the domed ceiling arching overhead.

7. 神秘的;淘气的;调皮的
    An arch look is mysterious and mischievous.

    e.g. Both of them looked at him with that curious, slightly amused and even arch expression.

She looked at me rather archly.

8. 傲慢自大的
    If you say that someone is arch, you are criticizing them for talking or behaving as if they are better or more important than other people.

    e.g. Their attempts to be casual have so far just looked arch or patronising.

'You can't fool me,' Shirley said archly.

9. see also: arched

arch 单语例句

1. The symmetrical nature of hanging chains produces the consummate curve of arch.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. The draw of the Malaysian Open is to see the arch rivals meet in the first round.

3. arch的近义词

3. The reliefs on the arch depict and extol the ideology of the Roman Emperors.

4. Our arch football enemy Holland is delivering the turf to Germany for the World Cup!

5. arch的翻译

5. Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch of the North Church tower as a signal light.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. It turns out in the case of the Victory Arch, he was right.

7. The arch was one of those inspirational things and became embodied in sketches.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Seen from above at a proper angle, the chartreuse arch below was exactly in the shape of the waxing moon.

9. arch的翻译

9. The Windsor Arch Macau Road Sport Challenge is another new addition to the program.

10. arch的翻译

10. Liu said he originally planned to paint his proposal on the ground, but went for the arch instead when the snow started more than two weeks ago.

arch 英英释义


1. (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it

2. arch

2. a passageway under a curved masonry construction

    e.g. they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory

    Synonym: archway

3. arch

3. a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially the inner sides of the feet)

4. a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening


1. form an arch or curve

    e.g. her back arches
           her hips curve nicely

    Synonym: curve arc


1. naughtily or annoyingly playful

    e.g. teasing and worrying with impish laughter
           a wicked prank

    Synonym: impish implike mischievous pixilated prankish puckish wicked

2. (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension

    Synonym: condescending patronizing patronising
