形容词神秘的; 晦涩难解的; 秘密的
1. 奥术:在所有的黑魔法中最为黑暗的毫无疑问的非死灵术/通幽术(Necromancy)莫音乐爱好者会两眼一亮,嗯?这不是来自德国的神秘主义乐队英格玛(enigma)么?在D&D规则中,法术分为奥术(Arcane)和神术(Divin),法师/术士/吟游诗人使用奥术,以智力作为关键属性,牧师/德鲁伊/圣骑/游侠使用神术,以智慧为关键属性
2. 秘:',但可能不 支持在Korn和Bourne-Again shell程序下才有的更神秘(arcane)的模式. 如果你没有这个函数,那么比闭门造车更好的方法是你可以从BSD或GNU原程 序那里去抄(snarfing)一个过来. 而且,在普通的匹配实际文件名情况下,
3. 秘法:而且要如何将一个人物混搭职业发挥每个职业的最大效能是很困难的...所以我建议新手玩单一职业就好.(建议不要选吟唱诗人/盗贼,这两个职业一般而言不搭配其他职业的话战斗能力都不强,尤其是盗贼你得记得所有陷阱的位子...)秘法(Arcane)以及神术(Divine)>>要注意的是素质最好是点到整数,
4. 神秘的:Arcadianism 田园风趣 | arcane 神秘的 | arcanum 秘密
1. 秘密的;神秘的
Something that is arcane is secret or mysterious.
e.g. Until a few months ago few people outside the arcane world of contemporary music had heard of Gorecki.
1. It is tempting to view the Quays as artists out of step with their times, overly attracted to the antique and the arcane.
2. He was able to clarify the most arcane stuff and his prose is rarified.
3. A category of arcane knowledge can be boring, but the authors have spiced it up with humor.
1. requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
e.g. the arcane science of dowsing