
arbitrarily ['ɑ:bɪtrəlɪ]  [ˌɑrbəˈtrɛrəlɪ] 

arbitrarily 基本解释


副词任意地; 武断地; 反复无常地; 肆意地

arbitrarily 网络解释

1. 武断地:水势 (water potential) 是指水分子通过选透膜往外逃的趋势,纯水 (pure water) 在摄氏25度及一个大气压力下的水势被人为地或武断地 (arbitrarily) 界定为 0, 如果水中含有任何溶剂 (solute),溶剂会把水势降低,即把水势从0降至负数,

2. 任意地:因为,F(x)=y 与 F(x)= z 或其他的各种可能,其实都是有可能发生的选项,但是为什麼 人类的认知却是近乎独断或任意地( arbitrarily) 选择了以y 而不是其他同样可能的z 等等,来作为F(x) 的再现内容(representational content)美国认知科学界 (哲学),

3. 武断地, 任意地, 专横地:pump delivery head 泵的输出水位[水头] | arbitrarily 武断地, 任意地, 专横地 | public law 公法, 国际公法

4. 武断地、任意地:? penalize 处罚 | ? arbitrarily 武断地、任意地 | ? programme 程序表

arbitrarily 单语例句


1. Rules should not be changed arbitrarily after they have been drawn up and agreed upon by all the key stakeholders.

2. But the plaintiffs'lawyers argued that the ban was arbitrarily imposed.

3. Some are arbitrarily annulling bidding results at land auctions without considering the impact of an uncertain land supply on future property price expectations.

4. Staff members at some pools said they do not arbitrarily reject applications from elderly people but admitted the seniors must provide health certification.

5. The key to curbing unnatural deaths in detention houses is by checking the power of security officers to arbitrarily delete or edit surveillance footage.

6. Ordinary Tibetans had very low social status and were deprived of their freedom by slave owners who treated them like animals and beat them arbitrarily.

7. He said the sharpshooters were there only to provide cover for security forces on the ground and were not shooting arbitrarily.

8. Some departments just did it arbitrarily, while others tried to match student interests or preferences based on registration forms.

9. A licensed dog has legal rights and can't be taken away from owners arbitrarily and without just cause.

10. The authorities may be fired if they arbitrarily approve licenses for construction projects, the draft amendment said.

arbitrarily 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. in a random manner

    e.g. the houses were randomly scattered
           bullets were fired into the crowd at random

    Synonym: randomly indiscriminately haphazardly willy-nilly at random every which way
