abbr.Acceptance Requirement 验收条件
名词Analytical Reagent 分析纯试剂
1. 阵列:默认为指定两点确定一条镜像线.特点:对应点垂直平分 mirrtext(镜像变量控制命令) :给 1 完全镜像,给 0 图形镜像,文字不镜像 偏移(O)全称(offset) 实现对象的偏移,先给尺寸后偏移,偏移完成后按右键退出 阵列(AR)全称(array)重点内容 实现对象的阵列,
2. 阿根廷:从门多萨 (MDZ)起飞的机票 - 快速、全面航班搜寻从阿根廷 (AR)门多萨 (MDZ)起飞的航班从门多萨 (MDZ)机场起飞的航班?从 门多萨 (MDZ) 起飞的廉价航班 - 快速、全面航班搜寻 - © Skyscanner Ltd 2002–2009
3. 攻击准确率:死生物的攻击准确率(AR) (可变) 所有抗性 +30-50 (可变) 10% 机会召唤死亡怪物为: 亡灵战士(备注) +10-14 生命值在每杀死一个怪物后获得(可变) 50-80% 更佳的机会取得魔法装备(MF)(可变) +4 照亮范围 有凹槽 (1-3) (可变) 过渡装备: 肋骨粉碎者六尺棍(从31级可以用到83级)建议升级 原因:变身后的德鲁伊只考虑武器上的提速,
4. 氩:1.危险:空气不再纯净 正常的空气成分按体积分数计算是:氮(N2)占78.08%,氧(O2)占20.95%,氩(Ar)占0.93%,二氧化碳(C02)占0.03%,还有微量的惰性气体,如氦(He)、氖(Ne)、氪(Kr)、氙(Xe)等.
5. ar:acute rejective reaction; 急性排斥反应
6. ar:anaphylactic rhinitis; 变应性鼻炎
7. ar:at 1 receptor; 受体
8. ar:accounts-receivable; 应收账款
1. The automaker said that the start of AR engine production at the Nansha plant represents an additional investment of $ 96m.
2. The local meteorological department forecast heavy rain for Ar Horqin Banner last night.
3. In her spare time she produced documentaries about Beijing's modern ar t and underground music scenes.
4. AR
4. The local meteorological department had forecast heavy rain for Ar Horqin Banner last night.
5. Total Immersion claimed the first AR application for the iPad 2 this month, called AR Magic Mirror.
6. AR的翻译
6. AR is caused by allergens, which can be found both outdoors and indoors.