1. You speak quite apropos.
2. He arrived very apropos.
3. Apropos , I have something to tell you.
1. 指令:查找使用手册的名字和相关描述:1.3 apmsleep指令:APM进入备用或者休眠状态 | 1.4 apropos指令:查找使用手册的名字和相关描述 | 1.5 arch指令:输出主机的体系结构
2. 命令:查找用户手册的名字和相关描述:3.apmsleep命令:产生配置脚本 | 4.apropos命令:查找用户手册的名字和相关描述 | 5.arch命令:输出主机的体系结构
3. 通过关键字查找命令:appletviewer--浏览Java小程序 | apropos--通过关键字查找命令 | ar--维护可移植档案和库
4. 搜索关键字:apropos:查找使用手册的名字和相关描述 360 | apropos:搜索关键字 43 | apt:管理套件的工具 186
1. 关于;至于
Something which is apropos, or apropos of, a subject or event, is connected with it or relevant to it.
e.g. All my suggestions apropos the script were accepted...
e.g. George Orwell once asked, apropos of publishers, 'Why don't they just say, “We don't want your poems”?'
2. 说到;提到
Apropos or apropos of is used to introduce something that you are going to say which is related to the subject you have just been talking about.
e.g. Apropos Dudley Moore living in California he said, 'He loves the space, Californians have a lot of space.'
3. 恰当的;合适的
Something that is apropos is very suitable in a particular situation.
e.g. It was a verse from the book of Job. It was so apropos.
1. of an appropriate or pertinent nature
1. introducing a different topic
in point of fact
e.g. incidentally, I won't go to the party
Synonym: by the way by the bye incidentally
2. at an opportune time
e.g. your letter arrived apropos
Synonym: seasonably timely well-timed