
appealing [əˈpi:lɪŋ]  [əˈpilɪŋ] 






appealing 基本解释

形容词吸引人的,令人心动的; 恳求的

动词(迫切)要求(appeal的现在分词); 将…上诉

appealing 网络解释


1. 极好的:11. fascinating极好的 | 12. appealing极好的 | 13.multimedia teaching多媒体教学

2. 吸引人的:appealable 可上诉的 | appealing 吸引人的 | appealingly 上诉地

3. 有吸引力的,有感染力的,令人感兴趣的:I felt a few spots of rain. 我感到飘来几滴... | 13. appealing 有吸引力的,有感染力的,令人感兴趣的 | Spending the holidays in Britain wasn't a prospect that I found particularly appealing. 在英国度假对我并...

4. 吸引人的(编辑:末末 Lily):* 3 days free trial 试学3天不收费 | * fuel up 补充燃料 | * appealing 吸引人的(编辑:末末 Lily)

appealing 词典解释

1. appealing的反义词

1. 有吸引力的;有趣的;动人的
    Someone or something that is appealing is pleasing and attractive.

    e.g. There was a sense of humour to what he did that I found very appealing...
    e.g. That's a very appealing idea.

Irish whiskeys, rather like the Irish themselves, have an appealingly direct charm about them.

2. (表情、语气)恳求的,哀求的
    An appealing expression or tone of voice indicates to someone that you want help, advice, or approval.

    e.g. She gave him a soft appealing look that would have melted solid ice.

Dena looked appealingly at Blair, hoping to hear a contrary opinion.

3. see also: appeal

appealing 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. After exhausting all means of seeking donations, her classmates decided to stage a morality play by appealing to the wider public.

2. " We are appealing for immediate assistance for the thousands of people affected by the fighting, " said Ahmed.

3. He said he will show his determination to carry on with the case by appealing to a higher court.

4. It was an ad for a housekeeping company that was located just one block from my building - and the price was quite appealing.


5. Each time she delivers them, she would add something new to make them more appealing.

6. Li is also appealing for higher civil compensation, her lawyer Zhang Jing told China Daily yesterday.

7. The civil society wrote a letter to the Ministry of Health, appealing for the ministry to clearly define which occupations are not suitable for HIV carriers.

8. But women rights advocates and human rights groups have been appealing to the authorities to grant her clemency.

9. These special stamps and commemorative stamps are especially appealing to stamp collectors because of their unique designs.


10. In appealing to the common man and woman, they can abandon common sense.
