
apparatus [ˌæpəˈreɪtəs]  [ˌæpəˈrætəs] 


apparatus 基本解释


名词仪器,器械; 机器; 机构,机关; 器官

apparatus 相关例句



1. They have installed wireless apparatus on board.

2. There is sports apparatus in the gym.

3. The city's security apparatus needs reforming.

apparatus 词典解释


1. 机构;组织
    The apparatus of an organization or system is its structure and method of operation.

    e.g. For many years, the country had been buried under the apparatus of the regime.
    e.g. ...a massive bureaucratic apparatus.

2. 器械;器具;仪器;设备
    Apparatus is the equipment, such as tools and machines, which is used to do a particular job or activity.

    e.g. One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.

apparatus 单语例句

1. The winning athletes will come as near to perfection as possible with all four of the apparatus.

2. As part of State apparatus, the police and the procuratorate are in direct contact with the common people.

3. There are 40 districts and counties under the jurisdiction of the Chongqing municipality, each having a complete set of Party and government apparatus.

4. apparatus的翻译

4. During the routines the apparatus must be in constant motion, with a variety of moves performed.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Previously only inventions during the medicine's preparation process and medical apparatus and instruments were eligible to apply for patent rights.

6. Besides that, the amended Patent Law introduces exception of drug and medical apparatus experimentation.

7. Firemen used two jets and two breathing apparatus teams to fight the blaze.

8. apparatus在线翻译

8. A fire engine and a breathing apparatus team put out the fire in 15 minutes.

9. All the apparatus and instruments aboard the satellite worked normally when it was orbiting the Earth.

10. apparatus什么意思

10. He also acknowledged that it was a " considerable challenge " to get the official apparatus to come up with a decent public service network.

apparatus 英英释义


1. equipment designed to serve a specific function

    Synonym: setup

2. (anatomy) a group of body parts that work together to perform a given function

    e.g. the breathing apparatus
