
apeak [eɪ'pi:k]  [eɪ'pi:k] 

apeak 基本解释


apeak 相关例句


1. The anchor is apeak.

apeak 网络解释


1. 垂直:ape 猿 | apeak 垂直 | apellation 名称

2. 竖着立锚:apeak 立桨 立锚 | apeak 竖着立锚 | aperiodic 非周期的

3. 立桨;立锚:apeak 立桨 立锚 | apeak 竖着立锚 | aperiodic 非周期的

4. 竖着锚:ape 猩 | apeak 竖着锚 | apeglowpost 橛

apeak 双语例句

1. Apeak distribution of root system in maize along soil profile as following: In flare opening stage peak value of dry weight of root in 0-20cm, dry weight of root reduced quickly with the increasing soil layer thickness.

2. Lightsome sway, or apeak drag ground moving finery, is every woman heart of dreams, fantastical wear black dress, the princess is high growth for beautiful queen.


3. Rowers holding their oars apeak.


4. Apeak: In a vertical or almost vertical position or direction. To lose an upright or erect position suddenly.

5. It was indicated that there was apeak of DM accumulation respectively in autumn or spring.


6. The method is to add a baffle in the cooling channel, which is apeak the X-Z surface, located in the half of the anode surface and the clearance against the out side is 2 mm.

7. Sales rose steadily and reached apeak of 550, 000 at the end of year three.

8. One day perhaps we shall learn to apeak to whales, and then they will be able to tell us about themselves.


9. The proportion of women working rose from below 40% in 1960 to apeak of over 60% in 1999. It has subsequently fallen slightly.

10. This may be apeak period for the battle against the spread of a waistline andcreeping cholesterol.

11. In about one or two year, you`ll be able to apeak fantastic Amercan English, Let yourselives. Let your friends relatives, Let your country and the world to be qroud of us, to be proud of Chinese.

12. But they are by and large a friendly folk so you`ll get by, even if you don't apeak any Indian languages.

13. After flare opening stage apeak distribution of dry weight root in soil was Negative Index curve.
