1. 杀毒软件:病毒首先会监控任务栏窗口文字,一旦发现有杀毒软件(Antivirus)或防火墙(Firewall)及scan、secure等相关文字时,就会立即关闭软件进程,让杀毒软件失去功效.
2. 反病毒:现在,大多数计算机用户都知道,反病毒(Antivirus)软件有助于保护PC避免受到病毒和其它在互联网上传播的恶意软件的感染. 一旦发现病毒,反病毒软件将隔离它,使它无法传播,然后尝试删除病毒,修复被损坏的文件. 4月19日,江民反病毒中心检测到,
3. 防病毒:免费瑞星在线杀毒,杀毒速度挺慢的,电脑上文件并不多,免费瑞星在线杀毒竟然杀了2个多小时才杀了一半,不知是不是瑞星本身的问题还是3gp伦理短片下载的安全技术,包括Spyware Doctor、防间谍软件(AntiSpyware)、防病毒(AntiVirus)和Firewall Plus,
4. 防毒:› 病毒, 防毒(AntiVirus) 讨论版 -... 奕瑞科技表示,卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)对大多数国内用户是个陌生的名字,事实上卡巴斯基是目前俄罗斯最大的资讯安全系统开发商,大约六成的俄罗斯用户使用卡巴斯基的产品. ...
1. danci.911cha.com
1. Also, the word " antivirus " does not appear once on their home pages.
2. The new worm can also prevent infected computers from operating antivirus software and any programs using the " exe " suffix.
3. antivirus的近义词
3. A saleswoman demonstrates two new version of homegrown antivirus softwares in Beijing.
4. " Or we could also see a lot of people infected " if they don't update their antivirus software.
5. The Norton AntiVirus 2009 Gaming Edition was available in the Chinese market as of March 5 this year.