
antiquated [ˈæntɪkweɪtɪd]  [ˈæntɪkweɪtɪd] 





antiquated 基本解释

形容词过时的,陈旧的; 老式的,古色古香的; 有古风的; 年老的


antiquated 相关例句


1. Her uncle is antiquated in ideas.

antiquated 网络解释

1. 过时的:Aegis destroyer: 宙斯舰 | antiquated: 过时的 | vent one's anger:消气

2. 陈旧的:antiquate 使古旧 | antiquated 陈旧的 | antique 古物

3. 时间词 过时的:依序列举list in sequence | 时间词 过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete anachronistic | 短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived

4. 落伍的:10. ancient 古老的 | antiquated 落伍的 | 11. arise v. 起床,升起;(无形物等)出现,发生

antiquated 词典解释

1. 陈旧的;老式的;过时的
    If you describe something as antiquated, you are criticizing it because it is very old or old-fashioned.

    e.g. Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving...
    e.g. Do we really want a return to an antiquated system of privilege and elitism?

antiquated 单语例句

1. Parents only reveal their incompetence and antiquated mentality by resorting to harsh measures to rid their kids of their Net addiction.

2. " The whole thing was antiquated, " said IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming.

3. antiquated是什么意思

3. Some information only exists on legacy systems written in antiquated code or may still be delivered only in hard copy form.

4. antiquated

4. You are talking about a system or an infrastructure that is already antiquated, " he said " A disaster like this takes from people who already have nothing.

5. antiquated的近义词

5. The regulation also urges local governments to provide financial support to shut down antiquated production facilities and facilitate mergers and restructuring.

6. The landlocked country has invested heavily in transport infrastructure in order to improve its antiquated road network and its limited rail and air links.

7. antiquated的翻译

7. They stayed in an antiquated house in the previous French Concession for almost five months, witnessing firsthand changes that would affect China forever.

8. antiquated

8. The palace grounds have been restored to the former glory of imperial Beijing, with dragon banners bearing antiquated insignias.

9. These students also infused a new spirit into what was still antiquated China, bringing home modern ideas.

10. It says Chinese cities will gradually replace antiquated central heating with modern household heating systems that can be individually regulated.

antiquated 英英释义



1. so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period

    e.g. a ramshackle antediluvian tenement
           antediluvian ideas
           archaic laws

    Synonym: antediluvian archaic
