形容词期待着的; 提早发生的
1. 预料的, 预想的:sodden bread 未烤透的面包 | anticipatory 预料的, 预想的 | biformin 双形蕈素 双形真菌素
2. 预料的:anticipator 预期者 | anticipatory 预料的 | anticlerical 反圣职者的
3. 预见性:安全性 safety | 预见性 anticipatory | 猜测 speculative
4. 引導詞:anticipation 語音逆化;先來音 | anticipatory 引導詞 | anticipatory error 預度誤差
1. 期待的;期望的;预期的
An anticipatory feeling or action is one that you have or do because you are expecting something to happen soon.
e.g. ...an anticipatory smile.
1. anticipatory什么意思
1. It is focused on designing games and other therapeutic behavioural environments with the specific aim of maintaining anticipatory characteristics during the aging process.