名词傻里傻气的举动; 滑稽的动作,古怪的姿势
形容词哗众取宠的; 古怪的,滑稽的
不及物动词扮小旦; 做滑稽动作
1. 预备动作:当然在超写实的动画中,这些预备动作(antic)与动态(action)的时间关系还是要特别注意,不过对比需要减低一些, 以便能够在观众眼中还能保持可信度,这其实非常不简单,因为观众在看写实的动画时,会感觉有些东西看起来怪怪的,
2. 滑稽动作:antibody like receptor 抗体样受体 | antic 滑稽动作 | anticathexis 反感情投注
3. 丑角:antibusing 反跨区学童 | antic 丑角 | anticancer 抗癌的
4. 古怪的:anonymous 匿名的 | antic 古怪的 | anticipate 预见
1. antic的近义词
1. But to a correspondent bent on serious subjects, that could be another juvenile antic.
2. Manila has since resorted to one antic after another to restate its " sovereignty " over that territory.
1. antic
1. a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
1. act as or like a clown
Synonym: clown clown around
1. ludicrously odd
e.g. Hamlet's assumed antic disposition
fantastic Halloween costumes
a grotesque reflection in the mirror
Synonym: fantastic fantastical grotesque