
anti [ˈænti]  [ˈæntaɪ, -ti] 


anti 基本解释


名词& 形容词反对者,反对论者反对的

anti 相关例句


1. He has always been anti racial discrimination.

2. They have always been anti colonialism.


1. They refused to join forces with the antis.

anti 网络解释

1. 反:(吉隆坡)公正党署理主席赛胡先阿里说,如果他们的对手一直将他们塑造成亲(pro)或反(anti)马来人、华人及印度人的形象,则可证明公正党是一个反种族主义,以及亲马来西亚人的政党.

2. 反对者:对于铁杆影迷(Core)、可转化观众(Convert)、反对者(Anti)这些需求清晰的观众. 卢卡斯电影公司尽可能地节省营销费用,而把重磅炸弹放在了潜在观众(Latent)上. 为了清晰这一块潜在观众的消费需求,

3. anti:a nti-inflammation; 抗炎

anti 词典解释

1. 反对者;反对分子;持反对论者
    You can refer to people who are opposed to a particular activity or idea as antis .

    e.g. Despite what the antis would tell you, hunting is for people from all walks of life.

2. 反对的;持反对态度的
    If someone is opposed to something you can say that they are anti it.

    e.g. That's why you're so anti other people smoking.

anti 单语例句

1. The weapon was designed as a last line of defence against anti - ship missiles and other air targets.


2. Many returned to the mainland to take part in the Anti Japanese War.

3. His performance has also not assisted the many expatriate French workers here on Chinese soil, who have been suffering from anti French sentiment as of late.

4. Some anti - whaling environmentalists maintain that this is simply Japan's way of exploiting a loophole for the continuation of commercial whaling.

5. One of the suspects in the murder trial Omar Said Omar was later jailed for possessing anti tank missile and hand grenades.

6. The formed temple was burned during the anti Japan war period and this one was rebuilt by government in 1984.

7. No I am not racist nor anti mixed marriages but I would prefer a distinct and identifiable Chinese race.

8. Anti dumping is a measure to rectify the situation arising out of the dumping of goods and its trade distortive effect.

9. An information network shall be established and emergency anti - disaster plans shall be worked out to prevent sudden disasters at the maximum.

10. The anti oxidants found in the tea are over 10% which ranks it one of the highest in the World.

anti 英英释义



1. a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.)

    e.g. the antis smelled victory after a long battle


1. not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)
