1. 已回答:answerback 应答码 | answered 已回答 | answering back mechanism 应答机构
2. 已被回复:\Seen 已被阅读 | \Answered 已被回复 | \Flagged 标识为紧急
3. 说:直隶省的西边是哪一省?Which province borders Hebei on the west? | 说 said, answered, corrected, retorted | 差不多 be about right , be about the same
1. A call to Glencore's Baar office out of regular business hours wasn't answered.
2. answered在线翻译
2. A woman who answered a call to his home number Saturday declined to comment.
3. Zelaya has called for supporters to stage peaceful protests in Honduras, and thousands answered the call on Monday.
4. Later, she called the number of the stolen phone and to everybody's surprise the thief answered.
5. Police officers answered some calls for the grandmother and heard a female caller make threats.
6. 911查询·英语单词
6. These 7 working points may be transformed in several opportunity questions to be answered by companies raising ideas that will become projects for value capture.
7. A call to Zijin Vice Chairman Lan Fusheng's cell phone wasn't answered.
8. Gagan said the girl's father tried to call her cell phone, but no one answered.
9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
9. Then they made phone calls to people listed in the address book, but those people who answered the calls said they didn't believe the bus workers.
10. Our Virtual Office clients have their phones answered professionally and receive the same prestigious address as those renting the physical space.