1. 异常:尽管研究人员在针对现实证券市场的弱有效及半强有效的实证研究上存在争议,并由此揭示了一系列市场异常(anomalies)的存在,但一般认为现实证券市场不符合强有效假设,通过内幕消息和私有信息是可以获得超额利润的.
2. 反例:例如,学习者可能用反例(anomalies)、模拟(analogies)、隐喻(phors)、范例(exemplars)或图像(images)等方式来解释密度/浮沉的概念,这些呈现方式都是概念本质的一部份.
3. 异常的因果情况:anoia 白痴 | anomalies 异常的因果情况 | anomalism 反常现象
1. All these anomalies explain how property hegemony was formed in the city with the authorities acting as accomplices rather than as regulators.
2. Huang and his colleagues have come up with a set of theories and models to describe and explain the recurring climatic anomalies in China.
3. " The tests show a persistence of certain anomalies concerning notably the digestive functions, " the report said.
4. danci.911cha.com
4. Ho is living proof that children with psychological anomalies can become normal and even excel with proper treatment.
5. Outdated limits for children's height is just one of the many anomalies.
6. If the scale of adjustment seems too large for some investors, it is because of past excesses rather than present anomalies.
7. " We do not notice any market anomalies at the moment, " HKMA chief executive Joseph Yam told reporters.
8. Officers noticed anomalies in the scanned images of the woman's haversack during routine baggage checks on Wednesday at the airport.
9. " Qi Gong was one of the most delightful anomalies of modern China, " Barrass said.
10. What is worrying is that corrections are not made even when the anomalies have been pointed out.