








anoints 基本解释
指定;用油软膏涂抹( anoint的第三人称单数 );抹油使神圣化;选定;
anoints 双语例句

1. He calls and anoints ministers for their holy office, qualifies all other officers in the church for their special work, and imparts various.

2. A Catholic sacrament; a priest anoints a dying person with oil and prays for salvation.

3. Then Samuel took the vial of oil and poured it upon his head, and he kissed him and said, Jehovah anoints you ruler over His inheritance.
    10:1 撒母耳拿瓶膏油倒在扫罗的头上,与他亲嘴,说,耶和华膏你作祂产业的领袖。


4. He calls and anoints ministers for their holy office, qualifies all other officers in the church for their special work, and imparts various


5. He calls and anoints ministers for their holy office, qualifies all other officers in the church for their special work, and imparts various gifts and graces to its members.

6. Among other Biblical mentions and Holy Sites in Bethlehem: Rachel's tomb, Naomi and Ruth, Samuel anoints King David and the well from which David's warriors brought him waters.

7. Bittereness blinds life, love anoints its eyes.


8. Pray that God anoints Believers to spread the Good News in their country.

9. In the meanwhile he anoints Saul, who is later designated by lot and acclaimed king.

10. Pray that God anoints Believers to spread the Good News in their

11. The Sanhedrin plots for the death of Jesus, a woman anoints the feet of the Lord, and Judas betrays his Master.

12. Bitterness binds life; love anoints its eyes.

13. A second woman anoints Jesus for his burial with the very expensive perfume.

anoints 单语例句

1. To be chosen to exhibit not only anoints an artist, but also sends the market value of their work soaring.
