1. 附加物:annexation 合并 | annexe 附加物 | annexment 附加物
2. 附件:annex 附件 | annexe 附件 | annihilate 消灭
3. 附属建筑:annexationist 合并论者 | annexe 附属建筑 | annexe 别馆
4. 别馆:annexe 附属建筑 | annexe 别馆 | annihilate 歼
1. 附属建筑物;侧楼;配楼
An annexe is a building which is joined to or is next to a larger main building.
e.g. ...setting up a museum in an annexe to the theatre.
2. 附件;附录
An annexe to a document is a section added to it at the end.
e.g. The Annex lists and discusses eight titles.