
amygdala [ə'mɪɡdələ]  [ə'mɪɡdələ] 


amygdala 基本解释


amygdala 网络解释


1. 扁桃体:这些具有强大驱策力的情感的触发点乃是扁桃体(amygdala),这个边缘性的大脑结构不断地扫描、监测着我们身上正在发生的事情,甚至包括对于紧急情况的预警.

2. 扁桃:在人的脑袋中有一个小小的地方叫脑扁桃(Amygdala)这个类似核桃的东西,在我们每个人的脑袋中左右各一个,他们其中最大的功用是贮存我们的情绪、感受这些信息.

3. 扁桃腺:它包含海马回(hippocampus )、扁桃腺(amygdala)、中隔区(septal area)和大脑中的许多区域. 它连结到许多感觉,例如饥饿、口渴、忿怒、悲哀、性的觉醒以及愉悦等等. 它也连结到创造力、学习能力和记忆力. 这也是为什么我们经常在闻到某种气味时就会触动某些记忆,

amygdala 单语例句

1. Amygdala research made headlines earlier this month when researchers reported on a woman without a working amygdala.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Brain scans of 58 volunteers in a preliminary study indicated that the bigger the amygdala, the more friends and family the volunteers reported seeing regularly.

3. But does having a bigger amygdala lead to more friends, or does socializing with a lot of friends create a bigger amygdala?

4. amygdala

4. People have one amygdala in the left half of the brain and another in the right half.

5. And it does this in large part by subduing the amygdala, long known as the brain's headquarters of fear.

amygdala 英英释义


1. amygdala在线翻译

1. an almond-shaped neural structure in the anterior part of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum
    intimately connected with the hypothalamus and the hippocampus and the cingulate gyrus
    as part of the limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional behavior

    Synonym: amygdaloid nucleus corpus amygdaloideum
