
amusing [əˈmju:zɪŋ]  [əˈmjuzɪŋ] 






amusing 基本解释



amusing 相关例句



1. He told amusing jokes after dinner.

2. How amusing!

3. It was amusing to watch the trained elephants perform.

amusing 网络解释


1. 好笑的:在心中给恐惧想个好笑的(amusing)形状. 电影中的一个情节就是,一个害怕斯内普教授的学生,看着幻形怪变成的思内普教授,想象他穿着老奶奶的衣服,结果想象变成了事实,全班同学都逗笑了. 一个国王统治的时代就像日升日落,总有起止,

2. 有趣的:我媽媽是一個了不起的女人. My mother is an amazing woman. | 7. amusing(有趣的) | 他試圖逗樂,可我一點都沒反應. He tried to be amusing, but I didn't respond.

3. 很有趣味性:Leave nothing! 什么都不留下! | Amusing! 很有趣味性 | Eradicate them! 干了他们!

amusing 词典解释

1. 逗人笑的;有乐趣的;好笑的
    Someone or something that is amusing makes you laugh or smile.

    e.g. He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing...
    e.g. They recounted amusing stories about their first sexual experiences.

It must be amusingly written...
Recline & Sprawl is an amusingly named furniture shop in London.
Recline & Sprawl 是伦敦一家店名有趣的家具店。
amusing 单语例句

1. Reading them can be amusing and entertaining, but trying to comprehend them could be a headache.

2. Gere plays Hunt as an adrenalin junkie that finds war an amusing challenge as opposed to a hideous calamity that impacts thousands.

3. amusing

3. Sliding from the top of a sand dune on a sand board is the most amusing part.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. He combines Shaolin Kung Fu and soccer, overturning the audiences'fixed idea of kung fu in an amusing way.

5. amusing的近义词

5. The result is a reasonably amusing, derivative trifle that will have girls and young women swooning.

6. The discussion reminds me of Neil Portman's book Amusing Ourselves to Death.

7. amusing是什么意思

7. It lives up its billing as a comedy but more through apparent flaws in its plot than witty lines and amusing performances.

8. But this scary revelation to us rice eaters turned into nothing more than an amusing trivia when I finished reading the story.

9. It was amusing to see Zhong Shuang juggling an orange, a kiwi fruit and a small sweet melon in her quarantined hotel room on Friday.

10. He carried on the tradition of amusing audiences with satirical dialogues, and further developed his own genre of glorifying heroic people.

amusing 英英释义



1. amusing什么意思

1. arousing or provoking laughter

    e.g. an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls
           an amusing fellow
           a comic hat
           a comical look of surprise
           funny stories that made everybody laugh
           a very funny writer
           it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much
           a mirthful experience
           risible courtroom antics

    Synonym: comic comical funny laughable mirthful risible

2. providing enjoyment
    pleasantly entertaining

    e.g. an amusing speaker
           a diverting story

    Synonym: amusive diverting
