
amphetamine [æmˈfetəmi:n]  [æmˈfɛtəˌmin, -mɪn] 


amphetamine 基本解释


amphetamine 网络解释


1. 苯丙胺:苯丙胺 苯丙胺(Amphetamine)是一种中枢兴奋药(苯乙胺类中枢兴奋药)及抗抑郁症药. 因静脉注射具有成瘾性,而被列为毒品(苯丙胺类兴奋剂). 别名:去甲麻黄素、安非他明(Anfetamine)、苯齐巨林(Benzedrine)、非那明(Phenamine)

2. 安非他明:合法的精神兴奋剂包括苯哌啶醋酸甲酯(methylphenidate,即利他林 )、安非他明(amphetamine) 及莫达非尼(modafinil). 据报道,在某些学校,1/4的学生都在服用这些药物. 去年,<<自然>>杂志发起的一次网上调查显示,来自60个国家的1,

3. 苯异丙胺:5.抗凝药苯茚二酮(Phenindione)华法林6.利尿药噻嗪类(Thiazides)速尿、三氨苯蝶啶(Triamterene)氯噻酮8.其他别嘌醇、西咪替丁、卡托普利(开搏通)益多脂(安妥明)(Clofibrate)苯异丙胺(Amphetamine)、γ-氨基水杨酸.

4. amphetamine:amph; 安非他明

amphetamine 词典解释

1. 苯丙胺;安非他明
    Amphetamine is a drug which increases people's energy, makes them excited, and reduces their desire for food.

amphetamine 单语例句

1. The drug abuse analysis also revealed the UK has the highest number of heroine and amphetamine consumers in Europe.

2. Gatlin also tested positive in 2001 for an amphetamine contained in a medication he took for 10 years for Attention Deficit Disorder.

3. Gatlin tested positive in 2001 for an amphetamine contained in a medication he took for 10 years for Attention Deficit Disorder.

4. MDMA is a psychedelic amphetamine abused for more than 20 years now because of its ability to produce strong feelings.

amphetamine 英英释义



1. a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite
    used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression

    Synonym: pep pill upper speed
