
amend [əˈmend]  [əˈmɛnd] 







amend 基本解释


及物/不及物动词修订; 改良,修改

amend 网络解释


1. 修正:新版航海通告中各个改正对象的标注文字的字体均与实际相符,只需按照通告上的字体格式改正在海图上即可;而旧版通告插入(Insert)、修正(Amend)和代替(Substitute)等改正方式中所改正的灯标的标注文字均为斜体,

2. 修改:在其有效期内,若非经开证人,受益人及一切利害关系人如让购银行,通知银行及保兑银行的同意,不得单方面撤销(CANCEL)或修改(AMEND)该信用证之条款.在收益人提示与信用证上所符的货运单据的情况下,

3. 改善:DCOR分为规画(Plan)、研发(Research)、设计(Design)、整合(Integrate)和改善(Amend)5大流程,以规画为例,又分为规画设计链、研究规画、设计规画、计画整合和计画改善5个种类,以规画设计链来看,

amend 词典解释

1. 修改;修订
    If you amend something that has been written such as a law, or something that is said, you change it in order to improve it or make it more accurate.

    e.g. The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections...
    e.g. 'You must admit that the man has got charm,' said Nicolson. 'Glamour,' amended Wells.

2. 赔罪;赔偿;补偿
    If you make amends when you have harmed someone, you show that you are sorry by doing something to please them.

    e.g. He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fail.

amend 单语例句

1. The goal is to help inmates calm down and amend their criminal ways.

2. Private Independent Early Education Association convenor Thomas Ho said it was appropriate for the government to amend the scheme.

3. Bush as " the great divider " for proposing to amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage.

4. China will draft and amend a series of laws to further protect the environment from rapid economic growth.

5. He said the EU is ready to " review and amend the ETS initiative " if a global solution can be reached.

6. The city is also seeking to amend the law on air pollution to ban all vehicles that emit black smoke.

7. The LegCo's Finance Committee will discuss today a government proposal to amend the existing fund scheme to assist SMEs.

8. amend的反义词

8. Kraft said it will give detailed terms of the alternative by Jan 19, the last day Kraft is allowed to amend its cash offer under British takeover rules.

9. He urged Paris to " amend and improve ties " with China.

10. The convention requires that signatory countries amend their domestic laws in a bid to suppress the brewing of nuclear terrorist acts on their soil.

amend 英英释义


1. amend

1. set straight or right

    e.g. remedy these deficiencies
           rectify the inequities in salaries
           repair an oversight

    Synonym: rectify remediate remedy repair

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. to make better

    e.g. The editor improved the manuscript with his changes

    Synonym: better improve ameliorate meliorate

3. make amendments to

    e.g. amend the document
