
ambit [ˈæmbɪt]  [ˈæmbɪt] 

ambit 基本解释


ambit 网络解释

1. 国基:从不知名的以色列EMS公司Quasar, 到国基(Ambit), 环旭(USI), 旭电(Solectron), 伟创力(Flextronics) 一路走来, 对于电子制造的过程和品质管理已经了然于胸.

2. 国电:今天还被一个经理揪住训了一顿,有时候觉得很搞笑,他们希望看到你时时刻刻在产线上,不管有没有事,常常羡慕在别的公司工作的朋友,他们可以上网,可以游戏,只要做完自己的事情,但是这里不行,不仅让我很怀恋在国电(Ambit)的日子.

3. 轮廓,范围:ambipolar 双极(性)的 | ambit 轮廓,范围 | amblyoscope 弱视镜

4. 界限:ambisexuality 两性人 | ambit 界限 | ambitendency 矛盾意向

5. ambit:programming language for algebraic symbolic manipulation; 用于代数符号操作的编程语言

ambit 词典解释

1. 范围;领域
    The ambit of something is its range or extent.

    e.g. Her case falls within the ambit of moral law.

ambit 单语例句

1. Housing, cars and luxury items are outside the ambit of the law.

2. Another sore point has been the rules governing the government procurement policy that keeps most of the foreign companies out the ambit of government orders.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Government reports estimate that more than half of the cities under the ambit of groundwater monitoring had poor water quality last year.

4. ambit

4. The Dalai Lama has stressed several times that the formula offers the optimal path to the Tibet issue within the ambit of China's Constitution.

5. The only place which remains out of the ambit of the banned areas is the privacy of one's home.

6. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have agreed to strengthen and institutionalize bilateral youth exchange outside the university ambit.
