
ambiguity [ˌæmbɪˈgju:əti]  [ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti] 



ambiguity 基本解释

名词含糊; 意义不明确; 含糊的话,模棱两可的话; 可作两种或多种解释

ambiguity 相关例句



1. The dispute resulted from ambiguities in the contract.

2. Her answer was above all ambiguity.

ambiguity 网络解释


1. 含糊:耶稣再来之前那段期间是一段宗教活跃 (spiritual activity),含糊 (ambiguity) 和背道 (apostasy)神在我们最可怕的恶梦中做工. 911事件显示神如何在一个国家的受伤、哀悼中唤醒他们. 许多人考虑或接受耶稣,甚至回到教会,

2. 歧义性:不应该将模糊性(Vagueness)与歧义性(ambiguity)相混淆. 歧义性一般是指在法律制定中的缺陷. 如果法律规定你应当做N,但N既可以指X,也可以指Y,那么实际上什么是你应当做的是不清楚的. 更为准确地说,存在着有歧义的两种类型:一个词可能指示两种不同的事物,

3. ambiguity:amb; 语意清

ambiguity 词典解释

1. 含糊不清;不明确;模棱两可
    If you say that there is ambiguity in something, you mean that it is unclear or confusing, or it can be understood in more than one way.

    e.g. There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.
    e.g. ...the ambiguities of language.

2. 暧昧;不协调
    If you say that there is an ambiguity in a situation or in someone's character, you mean that it contains several different qualities or attitudes which do not fit well together.

    e.g. The author's style suggests a certain ambiguity in his moral view.

ambiguity 单语例句

1. To eliminate such ambiguity, the court's interpretation makes some definitions clear.

2. ambiguity的意思

2. It's good that the interpretation has cleared the ambiguity, he said.

3. Through their initial ambiguity in responding to public inquiries and attempts to cover things up, they are reaping the harvest of the seeds of distrust they sowed themselves.

4. But all that intriguing ambiguity goes to waste when the dialogue and the classroom topics too literally reflect the characters'lives.

5. The compulsory format and content it prescribes for labor contracts are an important guarantee that employee rights are not compromised by intentional ambiguity.

6. An ambiguity in the labor relations of rural doctors is keeping them from participating in a pension program designed for employees of institutions and enterprises.

7. A commentary from KCNA carries an official imprimatur but also allows Pyongyang the ambiguity to offer a different interpretation through diplomatic channels.

8. The joint document has also confirmed with no ambiguity that the two countries are partners in cooperation and pose no threat to each other.

9. Maybe this means that Olympic officials have to learn to live with ambiguity, and make peace with a world in which things are not always quantifiable and clear.

10. Israel maintains a policy of deliberate ambiguity about its nuclear program, neither confirming nor denying that it has nuclear weapons.

ambiguity 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. unclearness by virtue of having more than one meaning

    Synonym: equivocalness

2. an expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context
