
alumina [əˈlu:mɪnə]  [əˈlumənə] 

alumina 基本解释

名词氧化铝,矾土; 铝土

alumina 网络解释


1. 氧化铝:其原理系利用高能量集中于极小面积上所产生的热效应(Thermal Technique), 所以非常适用于切割具有硬(Hard)、脆(Brittle)特性的陶瓷材料, 氧化铝(Alumina)基板就是一个常见激

2. 铝:从图1、2中可以看出,在没有催化剂存在下对腐殖酸和水杨酸原水的TOC去除率分别为15%和12%;腐殖酸在三氧化二铝(Alumina)基催化剂(300m2/g

3. 矾土:一般矾土(alumina)与duroid基板的损失切线值(loss tangent)约为0.001. 可用方程式(18)求得导体损失的近似值:

4. 铝气,矾土:铝黄铜 aluminium brass | 铝气,矾土 alumina | 铝青铜 aluminium bronze

alumina 单语例句

1. China's alumina imports are increasing as a result of a short supply on the domestic market.

2. alumina

2. The project is the firm's first investment in alumina, the main raw material for aluminum production.

3. Bauxite is refined into alumina, the raw material used to make aluminum.

4. The nation has added alumina projects and inefficient copper plants to a list of restricted industrial projects to increase efficiency and reduce waste.

5. Chalco is the sole alumina producer and the largest producer of primary aluminium in China, and the third largest alumina refiner in the world.

6. It is the seventh time for Chalco to raise domestic alumina prices this year, because of the alumina supply shortfall and international price hikes.

7. The other facilities include separate plants to produce basic and alumina based monolithic and a unit to manufacture special products.

8. China's spot alumina prices have risen 7 percent to 9 percent since June due to increased demand and strong aluminum prices.

9. Jadeite - usually regarded as an excellent substitute for real jade - is a harder silicate of alumina and sodium.

10. alumina

10. Half of the alumina demand in China is dependent on imports because of excessive aluminium production capacity build over the past two years.

alumina 英英释义



1. alumina

1. any of various forms of aluminum oxide occurring naturally as corundum

    Synonym: aluminum oxide aluminium oxide
