1. 明矾:钡化物给人一种沉重的感觉,所以baryta是从希腊语的baros(沉重)转变而来的. 另外还有从明矾(alum)而命名的铝(Aluminium),从绿柱石(beryll)而命名的铍(Beryllium)以及从萤石(CaF2)的fluorite而命名的氟(fluor)等.
2. 硫酸铝:常使用的铝系混凝剂有硫酸铝(Alum)和多元氯化铝(Polyalumin chloride, PAC). 铁系混凝剂有氯化铁(Ferric chloride)、氯化亚铁(Ferrous chloride)硫酸亚铁(Ferrous sulfate)等. 图1为巿售混凝剂与脱色剂在不同pH值的电性强度之比较图.
3. 白矾:Alpine Yarrow Herb 蓍草 | Alum 白矾 | Amber 琥珀
1. However, some food experts challenge KFC whether the alum alternative is itself healthy and safe.
1. a double sulphate of aluminum and potassium that is used as an astringent (among other things)
2. alum的解释
2. a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)
Synonym: alumnus alumna graduate grad
3. a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the potassium double sulfate of aluminum
Synonym: potassium alum potash alum
4. alum
4. a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the ammonium double sulfate of aluminum
Synonym: ammonia alum ammonium alum