
allay [əˈleɪ]  [əˈle] 






allay 基本解释

及物动词减轻,缓和; 使冷静,使平静; 止渴; 消痛

allay 相关例句


1. Father helped to allay her fears.

2. His fever was allayed by the medicine.

3. The injection allayed his pain.

allay 网络解释

1. 使和缓,使镇静:align 使合作,排列成行 | allay 使和缓,使镇静 | alleviate 减轻,使缓和

2. 减轻, 减少:alley n.小路, 巷, (花园里两边有树篱的)小径 | allay 减轻, 减少 | amnesia n.健忘症

3. 减轻:allargando 转强的 | allay 减轻 | allecret 半身薄铠甲

4. 缓解:allege 宣称 | allay 缓解 | alley 小巷,胡同

allay 词典解释

1. 消除(疑虑、恐惧等)
    If you allay someone's fears or doubts, you stop them feeling afraid or doubtful.

    e.g. He did what he could to allay his wife's fears.

allay 单语例句

1. Chen sought to allay fears over the ant's threat to humans.

2. They should cover inflation in a scientific manner and try to pinpoint unrealistic and unscientific reports to allay people's unnecessary fears over further price rise.

3. My Beijing boyfriend came up with endless ploys to make me laugh, looked after my needs and tried in earnest to allay my concerns.

4. The authorities yesterday set standards for melamine levels in milk and associated food products to allay fears following a contaminated milk powder scandal.

5. allay什么意思

5. But inspections needed to allay the public concerns about the earthquake safety of nuclear power plants are bound to lower capacity utilization at plants.

6. The authorities Wednesday set standards for melamine levels in milk and associated food products to allay fears following a contaminated milk powder scandal.

7. Russia has offered to enrich uranium for Iran to allay concerns that Tehran could use domestically produced enriched uranium to make nuclear bombs.

8. School buses in Beijing will have to pass strict checks this week, as part of a move to allay public concern following nationwide attacks.

9. allay的反义词

9. He called on the West to put forward the ideas which could both honor Iran's legitimate right and allay their real concerns.

10. allay的解释

10. It would allay Western and Israeli fears that Iran secretly plans to build a nuclear weapon under cover of the civilian power project.

allay 英英释义



1. satisfy (thirst)

    e.g. The cold water quenched his thirst

    Synonym: quench slake assuage

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. lessen the intensity of or calm

    e.g. The news eased my conscience
           still the fears

    Synonym: still relieve ease
