all wet

all wet [ɔ:l wet]  [ɔl wɛt] 

all wet 基本解释
all wet 网络解释


1. 大错特错 毫无价值 胡说:harmful dust [医]有害粉尘 | all wet 大错特错 毫无价值 胡说 | side pocket 大袋, 横袋

2. 自圆其说:同病相怜 in the same boat | 自圆其说 all wet | 坐立不安 ants in one's pants

3. 完全搞错了:all washed up 全完蛋了 | all wet 完全搞错了 | all you have to do 你最好

4. 大错特错:135.It has your name on it. 非你莫属. | 136.All wet. 大错特错. | 137.He loves to boss people around. 他很爱指使人.

all wet 单语例句

1. Hamilton chose dry tires and was quickly lapped again by all other 16 remaining cars, who were still on wet tires.

2. The man said he had been golfing all day and that he undressed in his truck because his underwear was wet.

3. all wet

3. " I sat all night listening to the sound of rain, " Luo said as she huddled with three relatives on a wet bed.

4. all wet的解释

4. The majority of the fans were getting all wet and it made it a bit more enjoyable.

5. all wet

5. " All of his clothes got wet with urine, " she said.

6. The summer of 2010 was unseasonably cool and wet all along the California coast.
