all told

all told [ɔ:l təʊld]  [ɔl told] 

all told 基本解释

总共; (与数字连用)全都包括在内,总计; 通共; 拢共

all told 网络解释

1. 合计;总之:A: So you agreed to differ? 所以你就求同存异? | B: That's right. 没错. | all told 合计;总之

2. 合计:muley axle 无领车轴 | all told 合计 | character design 字体设计

3. 总共:all out 全力以赴 | all told总共 | at all根本

4. 全部容:all squared 结清 | all told 全部容 | allocated quota 分配配额

all told 单语例句

1. all told

1. " All those will make trade easier and volume bigger, " Chou told Business Weekly.

2. " All of them have good businesses, " Luo told China Business Weekly.

3. He told China Business Weekly that the Shanghai municipal government now requires all their staff to take the test.

4. White House chief of staff Andy Card told Snow to ignore it all.

5. Police Chief Leonel Sauceda told the AP that 78 people were arrested for vandalism, all of them Zelaya supporters.


6. Almost all of them were told they had high cholesterol and got talked into buying " medicine " recommended by the doctors.

7. all told

7. The health department has told all the diners to receive checkups in case of chronic poisoning and the restaurant has been closed.

8. " It will all become much clearer, " he told China Daily.

9. " All good things must come to an end, " Zhao told CCTV in May.

10. all told的解释

10. Officers in the command and control center told Xinhua that all life data indicate that Yang's conditions are good.

all told 英英释义


1. with everything included or counted

    e.g. altogether he earns close to a million dollars

    Synonym: altogether in all
