1. 911查询·英语单词
1. These include a move to keep all tissue that may carry the infection out of human food.
2. The EFTA ministerial meeting in 2010 agreed to include a chapter on trade and sustainable development in all future negotiations on free trade agreements.
3. Highlights of the feast include roast turkey with all the trimmings, roast venison with berries sauce and stolen and cheesecake for dessert.
4. He said these should include an end to all Jewish settlements except a cluster near Jerusalem and demilitarization of the Palestinian state that emerges.
5. Xinjiang's primary schools right up through its universities, all include in their syllabuses courses concerning ethnic unity and knowledge of other ethnic groups.
6. All business transactions include a contract, and exchange of goods or services and money.
7. Other challenges for bird flu control include the difficulty of vaccinating all courtyard farm flocks in some remote mountainous areas.
8. The Italian couturier is designing all the outfits for the singer's current world tour, and was reportedly instructed by Aguilera not to include any real animal fur.
9. In 2000, the local government asked all primary schools to include martial arts in their sports curriculum.
10. He urged governments at all levels to include afforestation projects into their overall economic and social development programs.