
alit ['ælɪt]  ['ælɪt] 






过去分词:alighted; alit

过去式:alighted; alit

alit 基本解释



动词飞落( alight的过去式和过去分词 ); 突然注意到,偶然发现(或想到)

alit 网络解释

1. 閃電攻擊:AEbu建造(夜精靈) | Alit閃電攻擊 | ACsp催眠術

2. 铝铁岩:ALIT || Automatic Line Insulation Tester 自动线路绝缘测试装置 | alit || 铝铁岩 | alive and kicking || 活蹦乱跳的

3. 阿里特水泥;水泥石:aliso 阿里索木 | alit 阿里特水泥;水泥石 | alit cement 阿里特水泥

4. 更多關於:更多關於 alit | 星座: Sagittarius | 學校(其他): andalas university

alit 双语例句

1. Has ridden two love long-distance vehicles, each time all is in themidway, alit!

2. How much do u know about george. alit?

3. Paul alit, hugs that child, put him on own automobile front seat?

4. ALIT. Equipment located in a Central Office which sequentially tests lines in the office for battery crosses and grounds.

5. I can speak alit'tle Eng'lish.

6. For in reality—car en réalité, what is the duration of the supreme moment of love.
    因为事实上——car en réalité1,爱情的高潮时刻持续多久?

7. Alit gave me confidence. Whenever I was in danger of reverting to a wallflower, one of my new friends would drag me into another club or activity.

8. The experiment shows: the change of the velocity of sound through normal density alit is regular and directly proportional to the strength of alit;

9. Dear countess, it is such a long time…she has been laid up, poor child…at the Razumovskys'ball, and the Countess Apraxin…I was so glad, feminine voices chattered briskly, interrupting one another and mingling with the sound of rustling skirts and the scraping of chairs.
    Ch recomtesse,ilyasilongtemps…ellea l alit elapauvreenfant…aubaldesRazoumowsky…etlacomtesseApraksine…j'ai t siheureuse……①,听见妇女们互相打断话头、闹哄哄的谈话声,谈话声和连衣裙的沙沙声、移动椅子的响声连成一片了。
