
aline [ə'laɪn]  [ə'laɪn] 

aline 基本解释

动词排成直线,排列; 校准; 调正; 校直

aline 网络解释


1. 异国情:14 你好 HELLO | 15 异国情 ALINE | 16 威尼斯之旅 VOYAGE A VENICE

2. 排成直线:alimony 赡养费 | aline 排成直线 | alinement 排成直线

3. 使......成一直线;调整;对准:aline 对准 | aline 使......成一直线;调整;对准 | aliphatic aldehyde 脂基醛

aline 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. His flirtations with young girls are solace against his cold marriage to Aline.

2. Hannibal Gaddafi and his wife Aline were arrested in their luxury lakeside hotel suite on July 15 after staff alerted police to repeated arguments.

aline 英英释义


1. aline

1. place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight

    e.g. align the car with the curb
           align the sheets of paper on the table

    Synonym: align line up adjust
