
alias [ˈeɪliəs]  [ˈeliəs, ˈeljəs] 


alias 基本解释


副词化名为; 以化名为人所知; 别名为; 别称又被称为

alias 相关例句


1. William Johnson, alias James Jackson.


1. His real name was Johnson, but he often went by the alias of Smith.

alias 网络解释

1. 别名 别名:18.4 邮件别名别名(alias)能够让系统管理员或单个用户重新发送邮件. 他们可以定义邮递列表、在机器之间转...

2. 代号:虽然前者成功地搜集到全球资讯网上的稀有商品,也就是用户短暂的注意力,但大量访客的计数(Count)并不见得就可以成功地转换成购买者,反观后者的经营方式,它用心地让访客一进入网站就选择一个代号(Alias),然后经由这个代号,

3. 化名:米特尼克同意接受采访,作为他在美国广播公司(ABC)的新间谍剧<<化名>>(Alias)中角色的宣传,在该剧中,米特尼克扮演一位中央情报局的电脑专家. 米特尼克演出的那一集「生灵」(Doppelganger),定於10月28日周日播出.

alias 词典解释

1. (尤指罪犯使用的)化名,别名
    An alias is a false name, especially one used by a criminal.

    e.g. Using an alias, he had rented a house in Fleet, Hampshire.

2. (尤指罪犯或演员的)别名,又名
    You use alias when you are mentioning another name that someone, especially a criminal or an actor, is known by.

    e.g. ...the defendant Pericles Pericleous, alias Peter Smith.

alias 单语例句

1. As for the hotel booking, it is always made under an alias.

2. Important militant commander Iqbal alias Islam was killed and large quantity of ammunition, grenades and equipment were recovered in the area.

3. Yang said no one believed him when he explained the media had published his name as an alias.

4. alias

4. The alias was first discovered in March, when Gao was stopped at Guangzhou airport after providing false identification.

5. " Under his own name or any known alias he hasn't traveled to Australia, " Ruddock told reporters Saturday.

6. " Such a sex education fortress is long overdue, " posted a student alias A Fan.

7. She secretly bought a cellphone and started sending short messages to Zhang under the alias " crystal purple ".

8. Alias had just begun a few months beforehand, and Garner won the award with only half the season's episodes aired.

9. Davis was working as a contractor and using an alias, the newspaper reported on its Web site.

10. Garner auditioned for and was cast in the role of Sydney Bristow in the spy drama Alias.

alias 英英释义


1. a name that has been assumed temporarily

    Synonym: assumed name false name


1. as known or named at another time or place

    e.g. Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette

    Synonym: a.k.a. also known as
