
alfalfa [ælˈfælfə]  [ælˈfælfə] 

alfalfa 基本解释

名词苜蓿; 紫苜蓿

alfalfa 网络解释


1. 紫花苜蓿:对土壤的适应性比狗牙根还要广,在干旱贫瘠、......紫花苜蓿(Alfalfa)性状描述 刘凡荣 整理 紫花苜蓿原产小亚细亚、伊朗、外高加索,我国已有2000多年栽培历史,广泛分布于西北、华北、东北地区,江淮流域也有种植,

2. 苜蓿草:连刚被阉过的公牛,本来脾气很不好的,但是听到小波兹芙德在它耳边的轻声细语,竟乖乖地吃起苜蓿草(alfalfa)了. 冬天里,她把苹果埋在泥炭里过冬,到了夏天苹果都还能吃;她总能知道森林里的哪棵枫叶树糖最甜;她在田里种的蔬菜又大又好吃.

3. 紫苜蓿:除人体可通过摄食产生外, HMB也可在植物和动物中找到, 特别是紫苜蓿(alfalfa)、新鲜的玉蜀黍、柚子和鲶鱼. 目前国际市场上有关HMB的产品种类很多, 假冒伪劣的不少, 衣阿华州立大学研究基地( ISU RF) 获取了专利权,美国专利号为5348979,

alfalfa 词典解释

1. 苜蓿
    Alfalfa is a plant that is used for feeding farm animals. The shoots that develop from its seeds are sometimes eaten as a vegetable.

alfalfa 单语例句

1. There was no HpSA level change in control subjects who ate alfalfa sprouts.

2. Some of them even early harvested corn crops and alfalfa for feed, for fear that the plants might soon lose nutrition due to the continuous drought.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. There's a page dedicated to church news and another to farming - there you get the going price for alfalfa and hay.

4. alfalfa是什么意思

4. The other example Huntsman cited was the changing attitude when Utah and other western US states started to export alfalfa hay to China.

5. More than 120 people in Western Australia and Victoria fell ill in the first half of last year after eating alfalfa sprouts.

6. They chose not to mention that Japan and the United Arab Emirates were the top two US alfalfa buyers last year.

alfalfa 英英释义



1. alfalfa的反义词

1. leguminous plant grown for hay or forage

2. important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop

    Synonym: lucerne Medicago sativa
