
alcoholism [ˈælkəhɒlɪzəm]  [ˈælkəhɔ:lɪzəm] 

alcoholism 基本解释


名词酗酒; 酒精中毒

alcoholism 网络解释


1. 酒中毒:(二)酒中毒(alcoholism) 在急性酒中毒患者中,由于一次大量饮酒,患者表现为一种特殊的兴奋状态,情绪易激惹和不稳定,言语增多,重复,有夸大成份,有时对平时不满意的事,大声辱骂,有攻击行为;此时口齿不清,手唇震颤,走路不稳,并面部潮红,

2. 酒瘾:踝部水肿及腹水.通常有心律失常,尤以心房纤颤最常见.酒精所致震颤谵妄(alcohol-related delirium tremens)见伴有谵妄的戒断综合征.酒瘾(alcoholism)酒精导致的成瘾综合征.咖啡因使用障碍(caffeine use disorder)急性或慢性过度使用咖啡因,

alcoholism 词典解释

1. 酗酒
    People who suffer from alcoholism cannot stop drinking large quantities of alcohol.

    e.g. ...the problems of alcoholism.

alcoholism 单语例句

1. " The type of acute hepatitis he has is a case related to alcoholism, " Cahe said.

2. Mark Owen is being helped by Robbie Williams in his battle to beat alcoholism.

3. Mel Gibson issued a lengthy statement Saturday apologizing for his drunk driving arrest and saying he has battled alcoholism throughout his life.

4. A person born with an inbred disposition to alcoholism may never develop it if they grow up in a healthy and stable environment.

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5. The man fell into a coma and died of alcoholism at a hospital days later following heavy drinking with his colleagues last May.

6. alcoholism的解释

6. Best died Friday aged 59 in intensive care at a private west London hospital following organ failure brought about by the effects of alcoholism.

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7. About 42 percent of men and about 19 percent of women reported a history of either alcohol abuse or alcoholism during their lives.

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8. Writing in a special edition of the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, they say alcohol's impact on brain health may be much wider than generally thought.

9. Upon further investigation, the researchers found that smoking predicted poorer global proficiency even more strongly than alcoholism did.

10. Chinese drinkers have traditionally not shared the Western interpretation of alcoholism as a disease, said addiction expert Sheng.

alcoholism 英英释义



1. alcoholism的近义词

1. an intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess

    Synonym: dipsomania potomania

2. alcoholism什么意思

2. habitual intoxication
    prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms

    Synonym: alcohol addiction inebriation drunkenness
