名词炼金术; 炼丹术; (改变事物、物质的)魔力(或方法); (事物、物质的)神秘变化
1. 炼丹术:如数学、物理学、 化学、医学等方面都成就斐然. 当我们回顾中世纪的各门自然科学时,我们 几乎可以在每一门学科中都找到阿拉伯学者的智慧. 现代欧洲语言中的不少 科学名词,如英文的代数(algebra)、炼丹术(alchemy)等,都渊源于阿 拉伯语.
2. 炼金:玩家可在固定角色或固定地点消耗学习点、金钱来提升角色的基本属性、职业技能和魔法能力,基本属性包括了力量(Strength)、捕猎(HuntingSkill)、远古知识(AncientKnowledge)、锻造(Smithing)、偷窃(Thieving)、炼金(Alchemy)六种.
3. 字符炼金术:字符炼金术(Alchemy)的游戏在画着图腾的背景图上展开,背景图被分割成许多小方格主角是一些字母各种颜色都有,其中还会出现石头.第一次运行该游戏也许找不着北,实际上规则挺简单的,每个小方格每次可以放置一个字符,当摆满一行或一列的时候,
1. 炼金术;炼丹术
Alchemy was a form of chemistry studied in the Middle Ages, which was concerned with trying to discover ways to change ordinary metals into gold.
2. (改变事物的)魔力
Alchemy is the power to change or create things in a way which seems mysterious and magical.
e.g. Let us imagine that by some political alchemy it had been possible to make all men equal.
1. The government may find that tricky, according to Alchemy Partners LLP managing partner Jon Moulton.
2. AMD said the new lab is hoped to provide growth in use of its Alchemy and Geode processors in China.
3. It was just the pills of immortality from alchemy that killed some of the emperors.
4. alchemy在线翻译
4. He never lost his wonder at what he called the " miraculous, unfathomable alchemy " of moviemaking.
5. It is almost impossible to tell what his " alchemy " works are made of without Zhu's explanation.
6. To take care of the bitter alkaloids, salt provides the alchemy.
1. a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times
2. the way two individuals relate to each other
e.g. their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other
a mysterious alchemy brought them together
Synonym: chemistry interpersonal chemistry