


ailments 基本解释
疾病,不适( ailment的名词复数 );
ailments 网络解释

1. 常见病、病痛、症状和受伤:9. Western Food 西餐菜单 | 11. Common Diseases,Ailments,Symptoms,and Injuries 常见病、病痛、症状和受伤 | 12. The Names of Hospital Departments 医院部门名称

2. 疾病:Past Actions and Activities过去的动作和活动 | Ailments疾病 | Describing an Event描述事件

ailments 单语例句

1. Some German women mix their placentas into clarified butter and use it to treat their babies'skin ailments.

2. It is burned at acupressure points as treatment for more than 100 diseases, from skin ailments to asthma.

3. Shen said ailments in children such as shortsightedness, autistic disorder and brain paralysis could also be relieved by acupuncture.

4. ailments是什么意思

4. In addition to prescription drugs for family members, a home medicine cabinet should contain medications for acute ailments such as pain or diarrhea.

5. That will enable those small institutions to concentrate on chronic ailments and large hospitals to mostly treat more complicated conditions.

6. Lei told China Daily that the government encouraged people with minor ailments and chronic disease to seek outpatient service.

7. ailments的近义词

7. Sleeplessness is a growing problem as people shoulder heavier workloads, with this problem leading to ailments such as adiposity and diabetes.

8. Ancient Roman spas that were believed to cure an endless list of ailments still offer hope and relief to bathers today.

9. The defect joins a long list of ailments - including smallpox, heart illness and depression - that modern doctors have diagnosed in Lincoln.

10. Reduced testosterone levels usually affect men after the age of 45 or 50 and are more likely if the aforementioned ailments are present.
