agrarian reform

agrarian reform [əˈgreəri:ən riˈfɔ:m]  [əˈɡrɛriən rɪˈfɔrm] 

agrarian reform 基本解释

土地改革; 土改

agrarian reform 网络解释

1. 土地改革:aging of population人口老化 | agrarian reform土地改革 | agricultural location theory农业区位理论

2. 土地改革;农业改革:aging of population 人口老化 | agrarian reform 土地改革;农业改革 | agricultural location theory 农业区位理论

3. 土地改革政治政體,政策:6791土地下陷工業營造,修建sag | 6792土地改革政治政體,政策agrarian reform | 6793土地改革紀念館政治省機構Land Reform Museum

agrarian reform 单语例句

1. agrarian reform在线翻译

1. His efforts at agrarian reform failed because landless peasants who received land couldn't live on the small amount they were given.
