
agility [ə'dʒɪlətɪ]  [əˈdʒɪlɪti] 

agility 基本解释


名词敏捷; 灵活; 活泼; 机敏

agility 相关例句



1. The boy came upstairs with agility.

agility 网络解释


1. 敏捷:副本钥匙获得方法彩色水果糖(奖励: 15,000gp 13,750 敏捷(Agility)经验 可以从Arandar Gates直接进入精灵领地的权利 可以购买以及使用Dragon Helberd的权力(可以在Tyra营地购买) Charter Ships 现在可以带你到Tyra's港口 3个

2. 灵活:由高中体总与国内知名运动厂商Nike合办的篮球训练营,特别邀请美国体能教练,带来最新的体能训练方式,针对速度(Speed)、力量(Power)、灵活(Agility)、反应(Reaction)、敏捷(Quickness)五项数据,为40名有潜力的受邀高中球员设定出强化项目,

agility 单语例句

1. agility的意思

1. The sequence is a little disjointed, but their agility is evident.

2. Li moved with surprising agility over slick stone steps, dodging puddles and a gaggle of bedraggled ducks.


3. When the occasion called for it, she displayed an agility and a physical stamina that are worthy of Chinese martial arts.

4. The Thai failed to match the speed and agility of the Filipino and was decided defeated though the two tied in the end.

5. This new leadership context requires successful organizations to master strategic agility and to build risk resilience.

6. agility的解释

6. But no one can deny its strength and agility or Henry V would not order his troops to " imitate the action of the tiger ".

7. Agility focuses great attention on China's increasing appetite for consumption based on the financial stimulus package and rising numbers of Chinese consumers.

8. agility在线翻译

8. Table tennis is played at high speed and players need lightning reactions, incredible agility and high levels of fitness.


9. But he exclaimed that he had never been a leader or made a speech, and marched away with great agility.

10. But despite her agility and fitness her first fly through the air was with not easy.

agility 英英释义


1. the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble

    Synonym: legerity lightness lightsomeness nimbleness
