






aggravates 基本解释
激怒;使恶化( aggravate的第三人称单数 );使更严重;使恼火;
aggravates 单语例句

1. aggravates的反义词

1. Some studies have suggested caffeine aggravates symptoms of menopause or intensifies the side effects of some antibiotics.

2. aggravates的翻译

2. It does not make economic sense but aggravates the volatility in the commodity market.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The minister said the gradual depletion of farmland aggravates the imbalance of land supply and demand.

4. aggravates

4. Moreover, extensive use of nuclear power and technology also aggravates the risk of nuclear material proliferation.

5. He stressed desertification degrades farmland and pastures and leads to the reduction of grain production and aggravates poverty in affected areas.

6. The result is a fiscal policy that aggravates rather than ameliorates America's economic malaise.

7. As Yu sees it, petitioning aggravates confrontations rather than solves them.

8. Yet, little is known about the means by which stress aggravates skin diseases.

9. But the fact is that begging in vehicle lanes aggravates traffic congestion.

10. The different welfare systems for people from different regions in China further aggravates the income gap.
