
aggravate [ˈægrəveɪt]  [ˈæɡrəˌvet] 





aggravate 基本解释


及物动词激怒; 加重,使恶化; 使恼火

aggravate 相关例句


1. His bossy attitude aggravates me.

2. Grief aggravated her illness.

3. His bad temper was aggravated by his headache.

4. Don't aggravate me, child.

5. If he aggravates me any more I shall punish him.

aggravate 网络解释


1. 加重,惹怒:aggrandize 增强势力 | aggravate 加重,惹怒 | aggregate 总计,合计

2. 使恶化:45. give a great push to the economic growth极大地推动了经济发展 | 46. see dramatic breakthroughs取得突破性进展 | 47. aggravate使恶化

3. 恶化:rally#召集;恢复 | aggravate#恶化 | amass#积聚

4. 加重:aggrandize 增大 | aggravate 加重 | aggrieve 使悲痛

aggravate 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 加重;使恶化;加剧
    If someone or something aggravates a situation, they make it worse.

    e.g. Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation...
    e.g. He would only aggravate the injury by rubbing it.

2. 激怒;使恼火
    If someone or something aggravates you, they make you annoyed.

    e.g. What aggravates you most about this country?

You don't realise how aggravating you can be.
I just couldn't take the aggravation.
aggravate 单语例句

1. Climate change will also speed up shrinking of inland lakes and aggravate water shortage.

2. " This resolution will only aggravate the political conflict and division in the Middle East region ", he said.

3. They will threaten food security and food sovereignty, and aggravate the food crisis in the developing world.

4. The delivery did not aggravate the mother's condition, doctors said.

5. aggravate

5. Dong said he also found another five families who had seen their newborn babies die or their conditions aggravate during treatment at the care center.

6. If the prices were to rise higher because of the yuan's revaluation they might spread public discontentment further and aggravate the social contradictions.

7. But the regional countries should realize that any unrestrained or provocative act can only aggravate the already tense situation in the sensitive sea.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. That makes it the bounden duty of all humans to stop wasting water and cut greenhouse gas emission that aggravate the already serious climate condition.

9. While it is still early days and there have not been too many concerns, the problem is likely to aggravate as the tournament enters the knockout stages.

10. The trade union council agreed that reopening employment to students from outside the SAR will aggravate job shortages for local people.

aggravate 英英释义



1. make worse

    e.g. This drug aggravates the pain

    Synonym: worsen exacerbate exasperate

2. aggravate在线翻译

2. exasperate or irritate

    Synonym: exacerbate exasperate
