
agape [ˈægəpi]  [əˈgeɪp] 

agape 基本解释



agape 相关例句


1. He was left alone and agape.

2. The wind set the door agape.

agape 网络解释


1. 阿加佩:蒂里希认为, 迄今为止,在<<新约>>中占主导地位的爱的这么一种特性,即阿加佩(agape)特性,一直被人们所忽视. 之所以如此,并非因为阿加佩是爱之最后和最高的形式,而是因为阿加佩是从另一个维度进入生命之整体,进入爱之全部特性的.

2. 张口发呆地:agapanthus 爱情花 | agape 张口发呆地 | agar 琼脂

3. 大开的,目瞪口呆的:afflict 折磨 | agape 大开的,目瞪口呆的 | aggrieved 委屈

agape 词典解释

1. (由于惊愕等)张大嘴的
    If you describe someone as having their mouth agape, their mouth is open very wide, often because they are very surprised by something.

    e.g. She stood looking at Carmen with her mouth agape.

agape 单语例句

1. All net proceeds from this event will go to Agape Family House for Chinese Orphans.

2. Wang said his administration has banned importing donations from AGAPE, noting all the medical equipment donated by AGAPE were burned on October 21.

3. When school ended, members of the two groups began fighting near the Agape Community Center.

4. Jackson's mouth was agape, eyes open and there was no sign of life.

agape 英英释义


1. a religious meal shared as a sign of love and fellowship

    Synonym: love feast

2. selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature)

    Synonym: agape love

3. (Christian theology) the love of God or Christ for mankind
