
affiliations [əfɪl'ɪeɪʃnz]  [əfɪl'ɪeɪʃnz] 



affiliations 基本解释
联系( affiliation的名词复数 );附属机构;亲和性;接纳;
affiliations 网络解释


1. 背景 游戏设定的角色身份背景:species 种族 游戏设定的角色种族 | affiliations 背景 游戏设定的角色身份背景 | weapons 武器 若为战斗角色,可填写其擅用武器

2. 附属机构:- The CCUSA Team -在CCUSA队 | Affiliations附属机构 | CCUSA is proudly affiliated with the following organizations: CCUSA是自豪地附属于下列组织组成:

3. 社交團體:職業: mahasiswa | 社交團體: affiliations??? | 興趣: apa aja yang penting asyik....oke2..

4. 从属关系:Payment Methods 支付方式 | Affiliations 从属关系 | Conclusion 结论

affiliations 单语例句

1. affiliations是什么意思

1. These affiliations have been a key asset for local firms looking to enter the global market.

2. " Our results may not extrapolate to other populations with different patterns of religious affiliations, " they wrote.

3. Not that anyone with Madrid affiliations saw any wry humour in the goal.

4. affiliations的意思

4. If shifts among Protestant denominations are included, then it appears that 44 percent of Americans have switched religious affiliations.

5. While politicians with strong party affiliations have been elected president in the past, once elected a president is required to cast aside party ties and act independently.

6. affiliations的翻译

6. Membership of a gang is not in itself prohibited and many yakuza are open about their affiliations.

7. Marriage forms no longer ask frightening questions about parents'history or Communist Party affiliations.

8. affiliations的反义词

8. " I don't know their prior affiliations or prior organizations, " he said.


9. Tsang vowed to cooperate with his 59 colleagues despite the fact some harbor suspicions about his personal affiliations.

10. Most of these protestors were youngsters with no close political affiliations and no direct interest in the matter.
