
aeon [ˈi:ən]  [ˈiˌɑn, ˈiən] 



aeon 基本解释

名词<正>极漫长的时期; 千万年; <地>极长时期; 十亿年期

aeon 网络解释

1. 依昂:实时把握农产品流通过程和有效防止流通中的信息被篡改对于保证商家和消费者的利益至关重要,近期日本三菱电机公司与依昂(AEON)、大日本印刷等开始探讨携手构建通过GPS系统和气象卫星数据向用户提供进口农产品跟踪信息的通讯系统,

2. 永旺:18日起,永旺(aeon)集团旗下的JUSCO等2000余家店铺对包括食品在内的约1000种商品价格平均下调20%. 这次大幅减价将持续到明年2月末,产品种类以及期间长度都是该公司最大规模. 竞争对手的伊藤洋华堂也实施了最大五折的大减价活动.

3. 日本永旺集团:日本永旺集团(AEON)以综合超市和食品超市为中心扩大亚洲地区的营业网点. 继1985年在马来西亚开设店铺以来,开始在海外开展综合零售事业. 目前在内地拥有店铺54家,并曾宣布5年内将在中国的店铺数量增加到100家.

aeon 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 eon

1. 极漫长的时期;万古;千万年
    An aeon is an extremely long period of time.

    e.g. Aeons ago, there were deserts where there is now fertile land.

aeon 单语例句

1. Aeon says it will protect consumers by strengthening its radiation testing systems for beef.

2. An AEON spokeswoman said the company expected to break even in a year or two, and start making profit in four years.

3. Rival Aeon has said it plans to double its number of supermarkets in China to 100 within a few years.

aeon 英英释义


1. (Gnosticism) a divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe

    Synonym: eon

2. an immeasurably long period of time

    e.g. oh, that happened eons ago

    Synonym: eon

3. aeon什么意思

3. the longest division of geological time

    Synonym: eon
